Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Va Premier Bariatric Surgery Pimientitos filled virtual picnic

The situation is fatal, fatal ... just 3 weeks ago I joined and I acknowledge the work and little sleep, dark circles and the lack of time ... sniff, sniff ... and just to improve what already is a dramatic start to the week (for a long time since I slept so little and worked so hard during the weekend) on Sunday I did some great UVA rays that I have left his face red as a tomato and swollen eyes as brótolas ... ay! What a life;)
Conclusion: my relationship with the sun, either natural or artificial, has come to an end at least for this year. I have to resign myself to my white skin and a touch nuclear opaque pollution only Milan can give to my pale face.
Maybe next weekend, during which I will not move a finger) the time we give away a few hours of sun to make the pic-nic that two weeks ago had in mind.
Saturday had already prepared all the time but gave us no respite and we had to make homemade picnic .... lacked a little green but we got just as kiko: P

But empecemos at the beginning with an appetizer pimientitos based super spicy fillings.

I was not sure whether to put this recipe or not because as it happens with the zucchini flowers (I've already seen that it is mission impossible to get them, at least at a reasonable price) the peppers I have not ever seen in Spain, or rather, I have not ever seen fresh but dry.
The pepper is used in Italy to make this keeps bears a striking resemblance to our peppers, the peppers just that we dry them or use them to limit the paprika because it has a spicy taste .

Anyway, I think it's worth putting the recipe because the limitIf we do not find fresh hot peppers can be prepared with red peppers smallest size you can find. To avoid losing the spicy chili oil introduce some cut in half in the oil Sal Leaving also marinate for about 2 weeks.

Let go!

Ingredients: 20-25

fresh peppers 1 / 4 l
white wine 1 / 4 l white wine vinegar
1 / 2 water 3 cans of tuna

3 2 tablespoons capers, anchovies

extra virgin olive oil


Wash and dry peppers. Wear gloves (since your hands may become irritated with the spiciness of the pi ¬ ments) and drain the peppers being careful not to cut a hole too big.
In a large bowl, place the vinegar, wine and water. Put the peppers and soak clean at least 24 hours. After this time, drain and allow to dry over a clean kitchen towel.
Mix tuna (drained) with diced anchovies and capers.
When peppers are completely dried mush ¬ relle the atúny put them in a glass jar you enough ¬ glued to each other but without squashing. Fill
bote with olive oil, seal and leave for 2 weeks in a cool, dry and sheltered from light.

Download the PDF recipe stuffed Pimientitos


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