Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cover Letter For A Hygienist Sample Grab the veils!


© Pedro Guerra

Are you sick if you think all day about sex,
is not good, no, no,
be always talking about sex.

But there's a naked woman
on each jar of yogurt,
the body that you ever dreamed of,
in razors,
in toothpaste,
and dinner,
naked white woman
offered and given.

But there's a naked woman climbs
skin the breasts that never sang,
floating in the coffee,
in the car seat in front
this again
white woman and Desnauda
that turns you upside down. If

balanced equally

just like we refuse sex with sex
give us instead

game so much and so many people whistling
life I would ...

But there's a naked woman giving the sunscreen

and the freshness of the beach
and chewed her gum flavor,
a naked woman
may have even two,
white woman naked. Whoever
of that flower.

Наверное, всем приходилось слышать фразу "Всем мужикам одного надо. В последнее время очень часто она мне встречалась в свяfrom men (if you believe my experience) he would rather like eating in general - need, ignoring that the man to ruin their health and psyche.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Intraday Stock Datatsx Kinoobzor


© The Bird Making Machine

She is an actress,
dry and watch the sea, silver dresses,
nobody comes to look, touch
not expect the
ring is mounted on a convertible
and goes, you'll see.
can be done except watch movies, sleep with actress
it dries and looks at sea,
my heart is hers,
my mind is in the stars. On the TV
my two cats to sleep
I walk to kill time
and suddenly I see between cars
just when the red light shuts off convertible

me nigh to him, say "I want to be free, llévame, por favor "
Que se puede hacer cuando las estrellas caen
Que se puede hacer salvo ver películas.

Well, wrote a few posts, but for some reason do not want to upload any of them in the magazine. Not those themes without the words, not the mood. Therefore, this review of movies that were viewed recently, this time in a twitter-style, as full-fledged review, I do not vymuchayu.
Grave of the Fireflies (Hotaru no Haka) . sixth in the chart of the best cartoon version of IMDb,existence with nature, even banal for the winter. And life, in conditions in which lives a good half of Russia, this movie shows how ultraboundary heroism. Hollywood is so Hollywood.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thank You Letter For A Destination Wedding Space doctor, vampire villanísimo, FBI agent, a futuristic and totally BADASS judge ...


I just found out, via some of the LJ and other sources in the virtual environment, he is always very active and cute Karl Urban is engaged in another project (I mean, this man wants to get rich before of the 40's, dammit) film, amid the bustle of preparation of the 2nd. part of Star Trek, the shooting Priest theaters, the world of conventions will still come over, and now this remake retry based on the British comic 2000 AD series, starring the BOY CHICHO, or in the lead role.

Judge Dredd is the leading body of the Act in a futuristic world, chaoticand dark, where all police are judge, jury and executioner at the same time on the catching of some megamaleante. Conceived and brought to paper by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra giving form and life in color illustration of this character was gaining momentum in the series of graphic novels, which saw first light in 1977 and to date, continues to canvas enough for many stories. Lionsgate is the home
film has decided to take the project in their hands, and the film's director Peter Travis. Her costars will
Olivia Thirlby, Jason Cope and Langley Kirkwood.
Just at the moment, is being carried out filmaci & oacute n the same in South Africa, and plan to have ready and empacadita to bring movie theaters in 3D format by mid 2012.

In 1995, this comic had a film adaptation that starred Sylvester Stallone, and it is said that the concept of Dredd was pretty far from the cannon, as in the film were shown his face, even though the character never gets rid of his helmet. I leave you two images of the Stallone movie.

Now, as the Dredd character is dark, just within the canons of British comics, the new screenwriter, Alex Garland, has decided to respect that asrespect for Dredd. Translated: from Karl just give us the chin, lips and nose. But that's enough, really. Which is a party to me, honestly, I love it XDDDD
hope that producers do not say otherwise and put their own versions. Something I also love is that the slogan has become famous Dredd, and respected Stallone to say with his booming voice: "I am The Law !!!", is not lost this new realization. Let's see how it comes out to Karl.

XDD Finally, I leave this picture just below, which is the scoop tweeted yesterday of the first tests of gRECORDING. Is how will look at the suit Karlito Dredd. Take a darling, give me the nod. I really love to see them well. And knowing that this guy's passion is to bring a MEGAPISTOLA hands. XDDDDD

Y. .. cheer after the start of the weekend with this news (woooooo!! we Wiiiiii !!!!!), Karl for a while you also hope that your weekend is great.

Eye Pain More Condition_symptoms Nonthermal Fall

There's no light
© Cheshires

depressive mother includes lights
And it hurts to look
all so clear when we were alone
And love so similar to death
And somewhere inside the blued steel
a gray sadness hid
I sang to you, but no more words
And you can, Mom, today I'm going to sleep with the light
Today I'll sleep with the light
And bring someone piThat "Warm Autumn" Flëur suddenly became a local hit ... But two weeks unexpectedly warm autumn passed quickly, although many of my friends during that time had already the second time to open swimming and barbecue-rybalochny season. And now came the dark days filled with dampness and grayness ...
And only in the evening it all gets a cozy look and renewed hope that spring will come after all ...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Arabic Christion Song 2009 When I get to be over 5 years old ...

Sometimes it attacks the nostalgia of those years. Seriously, when was innocent and saw the world through the eyes of the monsters from Sesame Street, and loved to join the chorus and winding that Kermit and his band of muppets were in the middle educational games, and songs and activities.

I know that most people yearn for those years when the TV was better nana and a little more educated, and at times I find myself fascinated by the Tube some of those memories, but also things new, put side by side with things that have left huge and very good memories.

I leave something I just discovered a very cute video, where the bandGoGo Dolls sings along with Elmo. Ehr ... I confess, Elmo is not muppett little bit of my nostalgia, but the Dolls GoGo fascinate me. ^ __ ^ So I can understand that I melted when I saw the videito.
I'll leave you, while I look to see who to kill to make me a video of Snow Patrol with CondeContar, or that Mr. Bowie again entangled in a concept such as Labyrinth, GL both yet gold at this time.

Enjoy, and have a special day.