Thursday, November 11, 2010

Arabic Christion Song 2009 When I get to be over 5 years old ...

Sometimes it attacks the nostalgia of those years. Seriously, when was innocent and saw the world through the eyes of the monsters from Sesame Street, and loved to join the chorus and winding that Kermit and his band of muppets were in the middle educational games, and songs and activities.

I know that most people yearn for those years when the TV was better nana and a little more educated, and at times I find myself fascinated by the Tube some of those memories, but also things new, put side by side with things that have left huge and very good memories.

I leave something I just discovered a very cute video, where the bandGoGo Dolls sings along with Elmo. Ehr ... I confess, Elmo is not muppett little bit of my nostalgia, but the Dolls GoGo fascinate me. ^ __ ^ So I can understand that I melted when I saw the videito.
I'll leave you, while I look to see who to kill to make me a video of Snow Patrol with CondeContar, or that Mr. Bowie again entangled in a concept such as Labyrinth, GL both yet gold at this time.

Enjoy, and have a special day.


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