fic Title: The Kingdom of Butterflies
Fandom: Inside Trekismo of the film of 2009, but in an Alternate Universe too ...
Characters: Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Kirk Family, consisting of George, Winona, Jimy George T son, Scotty, Chekov Pavel Andreievich, Chris Pike, the Christina sexienfermera Chapel, Mr. Sulu , Nyota Uhura and Spock without his ears and blood red, more swinging Zachary that Spock; Also, I did also get a right next to the crew of the NX-01 Enterprise. ST: Enterprise. Hello, Captain Jonathan Archer, T'Pol, dr. Phlox! Hello others! ST-Voyager From: Thomas E. Paris and Kathryn Janeway, and a few of ST: The Next Generation: Jean-Luc Pickard Cptn, Will Ricker and Kira Neris. Oh, and there walks a series Firefly Serenity mentioned.
Disclaimer: Star Trek and its many spin offs are not mine, are both Mr. Gene Roddenberry and many other great writers and writers, including Rick Berman and Brannon Braga. I onlys I borrowed a little.
Pairings: well ... is more a McCoy / Kirk, while going around a Spock / Uhura, maybe a slight Scotty / Chekov, Archer / T'Pol and others.
Warnings: It is a fiction that speaks of violence in the human heart. Several secondary characters die in the story. Y. .. Oh, I forgot. There are a couple of chapters with descriptions somewhat PG-17. Not much, but here they are.
Not Words: Actually, I did not know who to believe. Word tells me one thing, another tells me OpenOfice. Total , which are ma, S of 80 000.
Summary: Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy is a volunteer doctor in a refugee camp of the Red Cross in Sudan. The arduous journey that he himself imposed, hidden in reality their motivation to forget a painful past. But it becomes nothing when confronted with the evil that the human heart can hold. Every day sees death and horror stories, and increases their frustration at the impotence of not being able to help. James T.
Kirk is a journalist recently graduated from a prestigious American university. Superficial attitude and disorderly addictadventure and adrenaline, longs to become one of the most renowned international writers. By all means, get a diplomat assigned a team to Sudan, right in the heart of the conflict, never imagining that this decision will change his life forever.
A story of commitment and pain, of great sacrifices and heartbreaking situations, where the love for life, justice and freedom were forged through friendship, loyalty and the most noble and great feeling that human beings can experience.
Artist: that gave me a surprise when he decided ap enoooooooooormeapache my fic with his talent, the great and extraordinary
ps. Miss Shelenis, no problem. Sometimes technology is a rebel run riot, I understand. A big hug.
Y. .. well, is the section of the notes. In fact, I put it to the final of the fic, not to tire anyone with such justifications.
is under the cut, if you get bored with it
Notes and stuff ...
Uhm ... if you want to know if there is something like fanmix or OST, in footnote No. 3 speak a little of that.
And no more boring, here is the beginning of the story.
which requires, but for what it offers.
CJacinto Benavente HTMLXC .
Second week of March, 2003.
Baltimore International Airport.
Although for many this morning the spring was announced amid a cool breeze and bright sunshine, birdsong colorful and bustling hum of insects, a whole scene full of life and enthusiasm, Dr. Leonard McCoy to anything that had meaning.
Kneeling beside the bed, as his wife, had promised the little girl who would be Africa, as had been planned a year earlier. There, he regalaríaa a girl her age in a remote village, the dolls that Joanna had always considered his favorite. However, nearly eight months later, when he told his wife that he had to fulfill the last wishes of the child, she had refused to make that trip, and finallydemanded a divorce.
From that day, Leonard McCoy sosteníaa everything collapsed completely.
Following these events, living in a constant state of denial caused by ethyl nights and hopeless days, without being very conscious of how he did, he enlisted in the volunteer corps Red Cross as a doctor assigned to the refugee camps in the border territories of the Republic of Chad Sudany.
the eve of this morning he had received a call from the office of the institution, requestingfrom his immediate presence for the next shipment of medicine, food and supplies, and other volunteers.
automatically packed, with only a priority to fulfill the last wishes of her daughter. Before leaving the small apartment where vegetated, picked up a box decorated with glossy paper, with patterns of different colors in relief and kept it carefully in his suitcase. Leonard McCoy
not remember how he got from one airport to another, or when they boarded the plane llevaríaa a country unknown and alien to what room & iacute; has lived up to that time, or the hours spent in the air, completely lost in his bitterness and unawareness of the drinks they offered the flight attendants. Only
know, waking up in a strange and distant land, I was a lonely man with nothing else in the world packed the few belongings they had, and the promise to his daughter.
Main Building Central Iowa Herald newspaper
Des Moines, Iowa First week of April, 2003
While waiting for the elevator to the writing area in its third weekhave started work as a reporter of the Herald, James T. Kirk did not know whether to attribute some blame for his troubled and rebellious behavior that particular night, five years ago, in which his life had changed so dramatically. Just
Hidden in a room with George, his older brother, heard the last fight that would start the whole painful process of separation between Winona and George Sr., and that without them arrastraríaa could help it.
George made every effort to leave home, getting a work inhuman hours and to raise some money and run away before seeing the last of the divorce proceedings. However, James did not have the same opportunity, although they tried to accelerate their college, choosing a career in journalism only to show his total disagreement with the authority of his father, and to annoy hermother.
Soon after Winona won custody of son James as the only child who stayed home, the boy received a letter of acceptance from Kent. Not said anything to her mother until the day he was leaving the farm where the family had lived for nearly twenty years.
A major advantage for Kirk's when his father reached a goal at hand, to achieve a place in the United States Congress, a situation which greatly helped to finance their studies. However, that made him believe he would have a great influence and power to make your carrerjugosamente a lucrative and powerful business.
All this, coupled with his immature character and their own justifications, taken to be a problem student, although his intellectual capacity far exceeds most of its peers, including that of several of their teachers. Only your
hooliganism prevented him from graduating with Honoris Causa. However, his boldness and knowledge opened the doors of several media outlets before the end of his career. Among those deals, Kirk chose to move to Des Moines, and accept an important position as a journalist and correspondent specializing in the largest newspaper in the capitalIowa State
only spent a few weeks of your arrival information, when it was reputed to be one of the finest, most astute and courageous reporters, overtaking all representing in some way their professional competence. However, that fame was never good. James T.
Kirk was shown as a monster eager to find good stories, eager to take all the credit possible, willing to turn to use all resources that have the scope, legal or illegal, to be the best journalist and scale international levels.
never thought that ambition would make the lives of cadres, especially chen decided to take a story that you confront your own conscience.
------------------------ CONTINUED ...
Go to Chapter 1
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