fic Title: The Heaven's Race .
Author Name:
And seriously, that art has made for my ficcillo is to award, Deveritas, deveritas. More for various reasons put in front of the RL, and yet continued to the end. So I invite you to go and see the cuties you have done, and tell her what great work done. I do not tire of telling their .^____^ LJ's post, here ; .
Slash Word Count: Ehr ... as a zillion? I do not know yet, but more than 15,000, I think. CHT MLXCWarnings and / or Spoilers: First, it is not beteado. So mistakes are mine alone. Then, the characters are not mine. How are real, I risk getting sued if I say otherwise. Next, only has a few scenes so risque, but they do require your letter of Warning. Something like a PG-15. Ah, a little sugar and watered out there and there. Nothing serious.
Plot: Jensen and Jared are Air Force officers. Although they are a great team tactical F-18, Jared Jensen insists that MUST obtain his pilot's license. In thistime, he receives an invitation from NASA to be the test driver. Both seek the best option to be together, preparing for his license Jared, Jensen in a space training program. However, none of them anticipated the problems they come up during your training time.
Notes, Post-its, nototas : Well, is the continuation of a fic I wrote for the community
Tenth Facilities Reserve Squadron
Air Force
U.S. Naval Station Fort Worth, Texas.
Thursday, 0648 hours.
wearing only a tank top and boxer with whom he had slept that night, Jensen stood in the doorway of the bedroom with a cup of freshly brewed coffee in one hand, watching his sleeping lover, caught in a curious position between the sheets.
It was just a month and a half who had returned from the mission in Iraq, and still had a couple of weeks to join the activities of the militia, this is due to leave them that Colonel Morgan had been granted to enable them to fully recover from his wounds.
Pequena Jensen had gotten a quaint cottage in the facilities of the base, and with the pretext that they were both unwilling and could take care of each other, had managed to live such an extraordinary time beginning of their relationship, and as a couple.
However, with some melancholy thought that soon, Should be put back down to earth, and should return to their obligations as members of the Air Force.
In fact, the day before, Jared Jensen was forced to once again review the options he had on several nearby bases so that he could get his pilot's license as well as a promotion in his career.
Because, although he was a candidate for an award for his feat of rescue and protection in Iraqi regions, being Capitány pilot of an F-18 was part of his dream o personal goals, and he fulfilled ayudaríaa. CHJared
TMLXC lifted his head a little, sleepy and disoriented by not find Jensen at his side. I looked around and smiled at him at the entrance of the room.-Hey ... good morning, "he said in a hoarse greeting, while the highest was coming to bed.
"Good morning, Lieutenant-Padaleki returned the greeting, sitting down beside him and returning the smile, kissing him with a flick just as I left the coffee cup on the bedside table. Do not get up, it is too early.
- What you doing up, Jen? -PregJared rubbed while incorporating, sitting down on the bed and reaching the cup with coffee. Was covered with a blanket because he was still naked. Jensen noted
take a few sips of the bitter drink, and a slight smile, replied.
"You know I can not sleep longer than I'm used to. And yesterday we went to bed early.
"But Jensen, although we went to bed early, we slept late.
The bright and mischievous smile made him blush less a bit. He took it to remove the cup from the hands and kiss with somemomentum, recalling the meeting last night.
"The one in the morning early, Jay.
"Sure, especially early, sir. I remind you that we sleep until three, So you wanted to implement one of your experiments ...
"But you enjoyed it, right? "Jensen sat down next to Jared, kissing between words, receiving little moans that mixed a bit of protest and a lot of taste. He would not wait for the answer to your question, so I climbed in the other body, dominating the situation with a passionate kiss sweeping, sosten against the bed, starting to rub certain parts of their anatomy now stimulated. Jared replied
effusive, allowing complete freedom of movement needed. And just when Jensen was free arm to reach in between the sheets and hold now without barriers, strong accents on the front door of the house stopped.
-ray ... "murmured the major, stopped, his head buried in Jared's neck. Could not be more inopportune.
"Go, go, he urged his lover, kissing him lightly in musselscall, while pushing him to force him to join. You know no one is going to care for them.Grumbling, Jensen obeyed.
opened the door with his hand, meeting a young cadet, neatly groomed, who saw with some expectation. Despite feeling a bit intimidated by the officer's glare, bowed respectfully, handed him an envelope and briefly explained: "Captain
Ackles. Colonel Morgan instructed my department to deliver this message as soon as possible. Have a nice day, sir.
That said, I went back & oacuteand, to greet with all possible protocol and withdrew, leaving a little surprised Jensen. He closed the door behind him, watching on with interest. As it opened, Jared left the room wrapped in the sheet, without being dressed, with a cup of coffee in one hand.
- Who was, Jensen?
"A messenger. Morgan sent me this, "said showing him the envelope. Must be serious. Jared
reached, around his shoulders with one arm, ready to read the message on his shoulder. However, as the two pairs of eyes roamIan lines, the surprise did received the news release. They turned to look with different emotions reflected in their faces.
"It must be a joke, almost snorted Padaleki to assimilate. In other words ... NASA wants you to be test driver? So, without further?
-Jay, I do not think Morgan joked with something like this, "Jensen countered not hide the smile of satisfaction began to settle in his face. I've been a test pilot, and very good.
- But Jensen! That means you have to go for a while! & Amp, iQuest, What will happen to me?
Jensen left the letter on the counter they had in the lobby, facing a bit of anger the child. He crossed his arms and frowned.
's going to happen, Padaleki, you have to go back to your workouts. It is time you get your pilot's license.
"But ...
-Jay, listen. Space Center is located near Houston Air Base. How about if we investigate if there can take preparation courses? Only a few more kilometers we'd be separated; Meters, and we would daily when complete training schedules. Jared
thought for one minute. Although not convinced heard when he accepted the proposal.
I do not know ... I do not want to be away from you.
Jared, do not be so possessive-Jensen was the one who embraced him this time, trying to make him see reason. He rubbed a little against his hip, reaching its jaw with the lips. Thereafter only the submission of the review would ask here or in Colorado. You decide that. We would be separatedtwo at most, a week, and the truth, Jay, if I do miss you, I assure you that when we meet again, do not let the neighbors sleep.
She kissed him with the malicious intention to convince you that way, succeeding in part. Corresponded Padaleki then, smiling at the thought again and in more detail the proposal.
"Heavens, Jensen. Sometimes you're so convincing ... "There was a small smile on his lips to speak.
Jensen laughed with that sensual tone got a little silly to her lover, before catching his head with both hands to draw it to a kiss full of promise. CH TMLXC
Padaleki Family House.
San Antonio, Texas. 0650 hours.
After packing and saying goodbye to all the friends that Jared had done at the base of Fort Worth, and that Jensen cease all outstanding issues resolved, especially for having reported to Colonel Morgan and thank the recommendations to the High Command, they both went to San Antonio. There were still a week to finish their permits, so they decided to do a small scale in Padaleki family home.
Of course the decision was m & aacute; s unilateral.
- Do I need to get home to your family? Jensen had asked with a raised eyebrow, not quite convinced of that.
"It's time that know-Jared replied with a small pot, making it feel as if he had kicked a defenseless puppy. In addition we have a week off, and they could host.
That way, he had no choice but to defer to the wishes of their partner. Overall, it is only a week and definitely would not be there every hour of every day. I could live withthat.
What really find Jensen never imagined, was a hurricane inside the cozy two-story house, where the taxi stopped.
The family knew of it thanks to Jared communicated almost daily, and the recurring theme of conversation was the flamboyant Captain Ackles, his now fiance.
"I've talked a lot about you, and are dying to say hello, Jen," he said as they walked towards the door.
"Yes, I guess. Durabas hours on the phone with them.
Although it was previously noticed, of course, knowing the car & amp; aacute; character preceding the name, came up short against the reception that you had within the family.
Megan, a charming and very effusive girl with the same dimples-genetics, she thought Jensen was the first that gets on the neck while colgándosele filled him with kisses. Jerry and Sherry
Padaleki welcomed him as the best thing that had happened to his son mileage in his life, and finally Jeff's older brother, was very kind to him, although somewhat off the way held the other.
course, the youngest of the clan not solt ó around the time of receipt, which earned him a reprimand from his parents, and a stern warning Jared. That was not jealousy, because the girl never atreveríaa take the groom to his brother. Just Jared Jensen wanted to deliver a wild and effusive fan.
- I warn you, Megan Padaleki! If you get to cause low back pain for not releasing it, you'll see them with me!
She only made a childish gesture, sticking his tongue out and repeating what he had said with scorn. Jensen was relieved when she released him to escape his brother for that.
However, coexisting with la demonstrative family, trying to hide from Megan and her cameraman as they tried to get a little loving, and agree abstinence while in the family home to avoid being evicted by Sherry Padaleki, after threatening to put a belt Jared of chastity and throw away the key to the toilet, were the least of their worries.
On the third night spent in the city, several friends came to visit Jared. When he was surrounded by his former colleagues from the High School, one of them caught his eye: Derek Lee Nixon.
This had become a handsome young man, and showed the size that the hard military training who worked in room & iacute; an already spent quite a while on active duty.
- Derek? Jared asked with some hesitation to have it in front, and the aforementioned nodded, also pulling the huge smile on his old classmate. But look how they've changed!
"Same here, Jay.
happy scandal is embraced and began to chat amiably. Jensen just watched from afar, captured by Megan and some young guests, all deluded by the story recited less memory than clan repeated again and again.
"I had a lot without knowing youJared asked him a beer, sitting on the floor for lack of places. What have you done?
"Well ... know I had plans to enter the Air Force, so I did my paperwork, and graduated with the rank of Captain Aviation Pilot. But I have not stopped looking for opportunities, Jay. Someone told me I could go to training to fly an F-117, so I tried it, and guess ...
Jared opened his mouth and eyes wide, surprised and happy for his friend.
- Nooooooo! Oh, for heaven's sake, Derek! & Ikkesht; You are a pilot of Nighthawk?
-Uh ... Well, not yet, but I did not take much to get the permit and flight training. I was lucky enough to choose Lackland Air Force Base. I left a stone's throw from here.
- that basis I will too! I applied my training for the F-18 there! Jared yelled excited.
- Do not tell me! Getting rid of Megan
with an excuse just a little vague, Jensen went to where they were part of the conversation listening. She felt a pang of jealousy at seeing the emotionalN Jared awakening in the conversation of his friend rediscovered. I had not heard him on that.
Feeling as if he were spying gesture smiled a little forced when two young men turned to him and let out the first thing that popped into his mind when he realized they expected him to say something.
"Hey ... Jay ... your sister Megan ...
Again, as if they were connected, the other two turned to where she was, and she only made them a hand gesture. Again turned his gaze to Jensen.
- Yes? What about her?
& mdash; Uh ... well ... I'm not sure. I asked for you, so I came. Jared
only raised an eyebrow, peering into the expression of his boyfriend. Then, as if he were watching from inside, a mischievous smile was forming on his lips. Jensen blushed helplessly, looking exposed.
-Jen, look. He is Derek, the presented Padaleki, smiling with a cynical gesture well known in his eyes. We were together in the High, and now it's almost pilot of the Night Hawks. Is also the basis of Lackland.
-Ah ... CHTML
XC-Derek, it's Jen, my ... "Suddenly he stopped, realizing he could not present it the way she would. Also blushed and coughed a bit before choosing the right word. Captain. Yes, Captain Jensen Ackles. Is the pilot of the F-18 which I am co-pilot. "I heardwere honored for their work as volunteers in Iraq, Nixon said while shaking hands with Jensen. It is an honor to meet you, Captain.
This time the smile was genuine, if brief.
Thanks. So enter programOrganization chart the Stealth is here?
"Yes." I was telling Jay that I was very lucky that I instituted when he was still undecided for my major. And I thought maybe I could join me this Friday, which is a bit more relaxed in practice, to know the program. Why not with us? It could also ask for a promotion for the F-117. His experience makes him an excellent candidate. Jensen
pursed his lips, shaking in a gesture before rinsing.
"No, just go with you. I have to prESENT the first thing Monday morning at the Center Lyndon B. Johnson.
- Is not that the astronauts training center?
"Yes." I was invited to participate in the testing of the F-18 modified NASA. Maybe ask for a promotion for the space program later.
Upon hearing, the two youths had different reactions.
- Woooow! That would be great! "Derek said, as he made a curious" O "with his mouth, showing his surprise.
- Is the space program, Jensen? - Jared observor with an open mouth with an expression that threatened to turn from sulking. His forehead was furrowed by a line denoting anger. Why do not you tell me? Only mentioned that it would test pilot of the F-18.
"I had not decided, Jay. Colonel Morgan said to me when I went to see him. Even said he would recommend the program extensively, and there would be no problems for me to accept.
- Go! "This time, the anger was evident in him. Well thank you very much for letting me know!
Without more, in full tantrum, got up from the floor and stormed out of the room to the garden. Jensen was behind him.
- Jared, wait! It was just a comment!
- Oh, yeah? And why you waited until you had a fit of jealousy to tell me? Jensen
stopped short, like Jared, who turned to face him. Were in the middle of the sidewalk, arguing loudly.
- A fit of jealousy? What are you saying?
- Oh, come on, Jensen! & Amp; iexcl; not going to deny it now! I know you too well to know when you painted jealousy in the face!
- Jealous me? Padaleki not talk nonsense! Jared
further hardened his expression, and returned to the house, this time around the garden to go back without going through the room. Several young people looked with some curiosity through the windows.
Jensen's eyes only, barely suppressing a gesture of annoyance. Realizing that end sleeping on the floor, and most likely, outsideto the room if he continued trying to justify himself, went after him, changing its attitude. Jared
- If you're not going to admit it did out of jealousy, do not ever talk to me! "Almost shouted the other, turning now to the rear patio door.
"Well, yes. I had a little jealous at how you treat your friend, hit him, seeking his hand in an attempt at reconciliation, while thinking how to convince him that he had been foolish. I did not say what the space program for that reason. I do not even pensI'm at it as a medium term goal. I said it without thinking. Jared
stopped at the touch, turning back toward him. He looked down at his hand, holding a little scared by Jensen. That disarmed him angry.
- Why I did not comment when Morgan suggested to you? Pitiful voice she asked, looking up and displaying a curious pot. Jensen was sorry to see it. "I thought
tell you, but I did not see any significance if there was going to take as real, so I let it go. I thought not bother you much.
-Land gave importance to Derek, and that's not fair.
"I was nauseated to see that your friend thought were more interesting than me. In addition, Jared, he asked me a question. I told only a minor comment.
"I have no secrets with you, Jensen.
"Me neither. That the space program just explained to you, and I will not get entangled in unimportant things. Sorry I caused all this mess, and hold his hand, was shortening the distance between them, and with a brief conciliatory smile. Also, when I knew they were training in the supersonicI thought so we are looking plaza to cheer for the F-117, or better yet, for the F-22 Raptor. The latest generation.
Jared's smile looked timid to listen.
- Really?
Jensen pulled toward him, holding him to reach for it, seeking her lips as she whispered something like an affirmation.
"It would be a big step in your career as a pilot, and I would be very proud of you ...
However, before they could close the caress, the cheerful voice of Megan's paralyzed, and a strong glare fromyour camera flash.
- Smile, lovebirds!
- Megan! I warned you not to do that! Jared Jensen dropped, and the game of chase between brothers again.
smiling and resigned, Jensen made mental accounts of days remaining to leave the house. -------------------------
Go to the second part
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