I know that one week has passed since we left back in 2010, and we started in 2011, with all the days to come, and surprises in store us each. Sparks, yes, but could not make a post before now.
I want to start with a list of questions to answer, although some of this is for revenge, relief and deschongue of what has happened to me during a good part of last year, so I'll leave it under a fake- cut, not to bore you with my complaints. It's kind of questionnaire that I borrowed to
The 40 questions for the year to be ...
1. What did you do in 2010 that had not ever done before?
R. I was opposed to an entire group of people who held an authority that was rightfully theirs. I am faced with people who claimed to have power, and upbraided them with their lack of honesty and character to be truly people of true value. Knocked a strategy of embezzlement and theft, but it's been like climbing Everest.
2. Does your New Year's resolutions, and har &; Aacute; s over for next year?
Not in most of them. And I will not make a list of purposes, but one of the objectives and goals.
3. Someone close to you had children? Uhm ....
Not exactly, but he was a child.
4. Someone close to you died?
not so close. The mother of the person to whom it was his son, weeks after the adoption, has died.
5. What countries have you visited?
This year, no real. I've been to hell, metaphorically speaking, but nothing else.
6. What would you have in 2011 that did not have in 2010?
A job in which the service is real purpose in the work environment is not a corrupt and broken pride and stupidity, a boss who is not a puppet destrozaempresas.
7. What date in 2010 you will remain etched in your memory, and why?
Oh ... Unfortunately, there are more memories of fateful dates.
of good, I know that my sister got married in April, but could not be with her (it is in USA, and we could not go: S)
And the bad: March 3, the breakdown ofboard and the curtain of smoke over the company. June 1910, the trial / witch hunt against one of my greatest friends. August 16, the first attempt of mental harassment and attempted purchase of my integrity by a hateful God is created. December 1914, the dismissal of my sister by two harpies of the board administrator, without razóny without support from one of the directors. December 1927, the last fight I had with the director general is said and how I said "no character puppet" without hesitation.
8. What has been your greatest achievement this year? Settle
two debts, and keep afloata company that was sinking, until no one believed her. Maintain the credibility of my words and my actions to the majority of employees of the company, despite the opposition there has been. Finish a fic that I did not think llegaríaa write, and I liked it much.
9. What has been your greatest failure?
lose, humanly speaking, a business. Leave a fic more unfinished, and not being able to break the deadlock for that.
10. Have you suffered any illness or physical harm?
If enough due to stress, previous dengue epidemics (in October 2009, dengue hemorrhagic fever. Estuis in bed for a month), to injury in the lung. This year I had severe consequences of the latter two evils, and I am just recovering.
11. What has been the best thing you bought?
In all of 2010, nothing really. Perhaps in this I managed to get a good thing.
12. "Whose behavior merited praise?
Sparks, I have no candidates.
13. Does the behavior of who you disappointed?
Several people who I thought was sensible, in the company's board.
14. Where did most of your dinero?
to pay the credit card to try and reduce and cancel. I hope to accomplish that in a couple of months.
15. What made you very, very excited?
Well, in real life, almost nothing. But cinematically ...........¡¡ the Terminator movies with Chris Bale! Star Trek, the new! V, V, V, V!!, And some TV. But no more.
16. What song will always remember 2010? Cubicles
of Snow Patrol.
17. Compared to last year, are:
Inflexible to the unjust and dishonest, implacable with the gossips and slanderers (especially those who mess with my family). I have more determination to raise a couple of projects this year, and many more eager to get my health back to 100%
18. What would you have done more? Dedicate
to me, my interests, my projects. Spend more time with his son and my family.
19. What would you have done less?
useless worries about what was happening around me.
20. How do you spend Christmas?
have passed, and it was like every year. With family, worry.
21. "C & amp; oacute; mo spend New Year's Eve?
In the same way as the previous year. At home with my family.
22. Are you in love in 2010?
only a utopian way, only my fantasies.
23. How many one-night stands?
24. What was your favorite TV show?
None really. This was the year that I've seen less TV.
25. Do you hate someone you do not odiases last year?
forced me. Three people, but I try and get rid of that feeling toward them.
26. What fuand the best book you read?
After the Romans (NT, San Pablo), the following: Children of Dune, Ken Follett (two books on him), and Tr3s, Ted Dekker.
27. What was your best musical discovery?
Snow Patrol, really XD
28. What did you want and get it?
A promotion, although it was too forced.
29. What did you want and do not get it? Explanations
. At company level. So far, nobody has been honest with me.
30. What was your favorite movie this year?
RED, Despicable ME, UP, Inception. & Amp; nbsp; XDD
31. What did you do on your birthday and few compliments? I just turned
.... 42 I think .... XS yep, 42. And I did nothing. I spent in bed, with people worried about me.
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
That I had taken into account in the Board, by the way I was doing the work, not merely engagement.
33. How would you describe your concept of fashion in 2010?
Uhm ... I do not think I was well aware of it.
34. What kept you in your right mind? Di
I, my family and their unconditional support, and a few downs and book series, apart from some jueguillos of facebook.
35. What public figure did you like best this year?
my president, and Leo DiCaprio.
36. What has been your favorite video game this year? Resident Evil
37. Who has made the greatest number of cameos in your dreams this year? Uhm ....
Karl Urban, a couple of friends and I, in a strange half picture Mad Max.
38. Who do you miss? My dad
39. Q "ho was the best person you met?
A retired teacher, with ideas similar to mine. A great person.
39.Dinos a valuable lesson you learned in 2010.
not trust those who believe they deserve the positions of authority. Do not give weapons to bring you the big boss with a big "hey, WARNING" in his head.
40. Quotea a song that summarizes your year.
Storm, by Lifehouse.
Well, from the list of questions, I can only try to commit myself to be a little more here, finishing my commitmentsinconclusive and amending the minor flaws I've had in these erratic months. I hope not to miss the purpose.
And that does not happen again one week before. Die happy if I meet that desire.
A hug. Van K.
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