Monday, November 24, 2008

Maybelline Consumer Report Thing thing with mullet and verduritas

We all like to experiment, no?

Well, me with mullets I have to do every time you buy. I'll overcome, I enter through her eyes, then I do not know what to do with them!
Fritos are good but I try not to fry my house because the walls of my house have an incredible ability to retain any kind of smell, especially the fried!
So I see them and me the desire to cook these small fish so cute but so hard to the very jo ... ;)
And it's not for recipes ... you throw a stone andleaving 10,000 but do not know, I am not convinced ... I still have not found my recipe for red mullet.
We'll have to make a contest! ;)

For now here I leave the experiment ... let me know what you think:)

Ingredients for 2 people:
4 mullet fillets

1 zucchini 100 gr of green beans
150 ml vegetable broth 150 ml of water

The same volume cous cous than water 1 teaspoon of butter

olive oil Salt and

Preparation: Wash

, topped and cut into three green beans.
Boil in salted water until it isNo tender (approx. 10 minutes).
Wash and cut zucchini into sticks. In a saute pan with a little oil and salt.
Add cooked beans and continue cooking a few minutes ¬ cough. Add the vegetable broth and cook for 5 minutes.
Boil water with salt. When it starts to boil turn off heat and pour the cous cous. Let stand 5 minutes ¬ cough. Add the butter and put back into the fire. Remo ¬ see well enough to separate the grains of cous cous.
grilling the fish filetitos. Serve the cous cous
forming a pyramid, have mullets and vegetables around and serve hot with vegetable sauce separately.
If we want a slightly thicker sauce can add or Sarla aden ¬na teaspoon of flour. Heat and stir continuously to prevent the formation of groups ¬ mos.

Download the PDF recipe cous cous
with mullet and vegetables


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